A couple of issues have kept me
bugging for years whenever I debugged managed code (sos.dll)
in Windbg, so finally, I decided to do something about them exploiting the fact
that .NET Core is fully hosted on GitHub. Unfortunately the source of the desktop .NET
Framework is still not exposed there, so submitting fixes and reporting issues
is much more difficult, if not impossible for that version.
One problem was really annoying if
you got used to clicking on DML output as the !DumpArray sos command emitted
invalid DML for value-typed list elements. The output was really confusing as
no error message was shown and the element type was displayed incorrectly.
0:007> !DumpArray /d 02b16574
Name: WindowsFormsApplication2_SOS_bug.Test[]
MethodTable: 011c82ec
EEClass: 011c8290
Size: 412(0x19c)
Array: Rank
1, Number of elements 100, Type VALUETYPE
Element Methodtable: 011c824c
[0] 02b1657c => **wrong DML generated**
Fortunately, the fix was
very simple.
Another problem that I fixed
was with the !HeapStat command as it emitted difficult to read output. The
percentage column was not padded properly.
Heap Gen0 Gen1 Gen2 LOH
Heap0 5067096 941836 231688916 27653832
space: Percentage
Heap0 108724 6660 41310400 2438136SOH:
17% LOH: 8%
objects: Percentage
Heap0 4699412 755996 312864 0SOH: 2%
LOH: 0%
I also opened an issue
for the famous “first sos command throws an exception error”.
As it turned out this had already been worked around for
.NET Core 2.0.
Too bad these will not be fixed for the full .Net Framework