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Monday 12 September 2016

Blogs that proved to be invaluable

I’ve been following a couple of technical blogs in the last couple of years and decided to collect them here and provide some keywords that more or less describe their contents. I’m gonna omit keywords that are too general, like C++, C# or .NET and focus on more specific stuff instead.
It’s really great to have such people out there who spend their valuable time writing down these little details for us. A big THANK YOU is the least they deserve.
If you’re a developer, I encourage you to at least have a glimpse, you won’t be disappointed.
I'm sure there are lots of other great blogs out there, this collection reflects only the ones that I have personal experience with.
Happy learning!

Alois Kraus
ETW, WPT, WinDbg, Performance
Bruce Dawson
ETW, Performance
Chuck Walbourn
Kenny Kerr
Direct2D, Modern C++
Maoni Stephens
CLR Garbage Collector
NtDebugging Blog
Speaks for itself
Sasha Goldshtein
ETW, WinDbg, Performance
Tess Ferrandez
Vance Morrison
ETW, PerfView
Visual C++ Team Blog
Speaks for itself

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